I went to a free-ish (I at least brought arts!) house concert for The Doubleclicks recently. The hostess had a guestbook for doodles, this is what I put in it. I call it “Maximilian Possession”. Become a fan of theirs and you may eventually figure it out!
These are the arts I will be selling at Steamcon III. Wish me luck? Momma needs a new pair of orthopedic shoes… yesterday.
I was trying to convert to a new keyring, and this happened.
The most recent Doctor Who had a very sweet moment, and inspired me to make this. The boy who waited, and waited, and waited, … and waited…
Self portrait as a bear. Because that’s what you do. Yeah?
And today’s finale… Emily Gordon as Maleficent, based on the most recent episode of The Indoor Kids. Kumail (who is married to Emily) expressed having a certain attraction to Maleficent, so naturally I… :: points at the art ::
That’s all I got for today. I hobble away now of feet with chafing from shoes with fraying linings. Whee.