If you want to Tumblr this : I have posted it there as well.

New fabrics

In other news… These are new fabrics up for sale! I am in love with this batch!

Storm and a Weeping Angel

Last and never least, Storm DiCostanzo and Weeping Angels, since he recently got to this point in Doctor Who.


Shoe fund update: I tried on a dozen pairs, nothing worked (apparently I am firmly a size 11 now, and a wide width, AND my left foot is taller – from swelling or deformity? – than my right), and I am currently waiting for some special order exchanges. I’m trying to stick with that initial budget of $65, but man… you know some options run at almost $200 bucks?? I may as well be wearing precious gemstone studded designer shoes! Sheesh. The docs say I should replace my shoes every 6 months to a year, but wow. I miss cheap Payless shoes, boy oh boy.



Geek Girl Con Concert


Do you like this fan art of Marian Call, Molly Lewis and The Doubleclicks? Would you like the full image in high rez for wallpaper? Then please consider donating or supporting me in some way. I did manage to aquire tickets for the con, the concert tickets should be gifted me today as a b-day gift, but as I’ve mentioned in previous rants, I am in need of new ortopedically inclined shoes – I’d like to walk around to things without my feet rubbing raw, you know?

You can donate via Revolution by clicking this link. Or if you must, PayPal with the e-mail address in this link (P.S. It has been suggested that Paypal donors select the Personal option, then Gift so there are no unexpected fees.).

Whatever it is you do, try to send a note that lets me know what you did and what e-mail address I should send the file to (and if you want ye olde 1024×768 or 1920×1080). If you use donations, often there somewhere in the submission forms to leave a note.

Update #1: (Sorry, was very sleepy and ill last night, forgot more details!) Concert Info, and Tickets.

Shoe fund currently at $20. The goal is so I can afford something like this or this, it really depends on what I can find that feels right and meets doctors’ requirements. I currently have been relying on a pair of Merrells because they suit my needs pretty well, but I had to sacrifice my pink toes. I also plan to go to my favorite shoe store with the excellent return and exchange policy, because they offer decent discounts.

Update #2: Shoe fund is up to $45!

Update #3: Shoe fund is up to $60!

Update #4: $65! Shoes tried on (more than a dozen!), bought (not quite enough funds, but I pinched some pennies), ready for return/exchange, special order in process. Complicated!



I feel like I should have more to show, but… this is what you get! If I MUST have one, I wish I could just get a simple cold instead of a cold and then respiratory drama for a month.


This is the sort of thing that happens when there is both a full moon, and an internet argument I engage in.

Gnome Me

Then I was dared to draw myself with an epic beard.


Aisha Tyler

The Indoor Kids also recently had Aisha Tyler as a guest. She is a boatload of fun! I’ve been enjoying her appearances on other podcasts, and her very own new-ish podcast Girl on Guy.

Baconfest Queen

So that there is the Queen of Baconfest Atlanta wearing my bacon fabric! So jazzed, you guys!

Spoonflower DressSpoonflower Quilt

Two awesome projects featuring fabrics of mine!

Steampunk OctopII

One of my most recent Spoonflower designs. It isn’t up for sale yet. I’m trying to wait and see if I can get enough credits for another batch of proofs (And when I do, this is the batch I’m planning.). Initially I made it for the Ditsy Prints contest.

*So, I’ve mostly been stuck at home sick for a while. I’ve got some stuff to do in October, but I really, really want to get out more. There are a TON of great shows coming to town in the next 2 months. I’m not beyond begging, particularly when things start reaching extremes of me not leaving the house for a week or more at a time! I mean, in the last week, I only left the house once. In the week before that? Twice for urgent-ish errands. The next two weeks (which includes my birthday) give me little opportunity to go out as well. I know things are tough all over, but I could use the physiological fuel or going OUT and doing a THING, you know?


The Doubleclicks Concert Host Doodle

I went to a free-ish (I at least brought arts!) house concert for The Doubleclicks recently. The hostess had a guestbook for doodles, this is what I put in it. I call it “Maximilian Possession”. Become a fan of theirs and you may eventually figure it out!

Steamcon Art Show

These are the arts I will be selling at Steamcon III. Wish me luck? Momma needs a new pair of orthopedic shoes… yesterday.


I was trying to convert to a new keyring, and this happened.

Amy Pond and Rory WIlliams

The most recent Doctor Who had a very sweet moment, and inspired me to make this. The boy who waited, and waited, and waited, … and waited

Self Portrait as a Bear

Self portrait as a bear. Because that’s what you do. Yeah?

Emily Gordon and Maleficent

And today’s finale… Emily Gordon as Maleficent, based on the most recent episode of The Indoor Kids. Kumail (who is married to Emily) expressed having a certain attraction to Maleficent, so naturally I… :: points at the art ::

That’s all I got for today. I hobble away now of feet with chafing from shoes with fraying linings. Whee.


Yard Sale

I bought this jumpsuit at a yard sale when I was about 14. I barely fit into it. I was also not allowed to wear it out of the house for fairly obvious reasons.

Steampunk Monkeys

Fan art based on w00tstock and JoCo Cruise Crazy. It features steampunk monkey robots Paul and Storm, hot-rod-bot John Roderick, Jonathan Coulton, Wil Wheaton, Molly Lewis, Marian Call, Smilin’ Mike Phirman (and a literal :D ), Adam Savage, and references to MST3K and Elton John.


A pattern I’m working on for fabric. I’m not sure there’s enough of a margin for seams, so I’ll have to see what the sample looks like. If it works, I’m thinking of making another pattern that’d have clothes for them.

Steampunk Bio 2

And this is an updated self portrait for my Steamcon III bio. Look for it in the printed guide they’ll be handing out at the con!


I’ve gotten this question a fair bit when giving people art “How do you do that?”

Aside from years and years and years of practice… generally I have a process for making certain kinds of art. Often when I do fan art, I use a process that will be fairly quick. Every so often, I will try something more elaborate that uses a different process, but much of the time – in the interest of speed – I’m doing this.

Part 1!

I decided I wanted to make some fan art of Mike Drucker. He’s a local comedian that I’ve seen twice now. He opened once for Dan Telfer, and once for Kumail Nanjiani. My early research efforts were kind of lazy, so I looked harder this time, and found some good reference photos. Then I put music on, because it is a requirement to help me focus (it is also not uncommon to hone my playlist down as I work to only a couple of or one looping song(s), somehow it snags a particular thing in my brain and keeps me there). Tonight, I’d picked some cheesy metal. Poor Mike ended up getting drawn mostly to “Little Suzi” by Tesla.


I started sketching, but I was having a hard time, so I ended up pulling it apart and trying pieces that I can put together later. This is not common, usually I just throw it out and start over.

Continue reading


PSAs on my “About” page! I’ve been trying to noodle with it periodically, to add info and FAQ stuff and such.

Second order of business: Arts!

Molly Lewis and Stephen Fry

There could be unintended consequences to Molly’s request of Stephen Fry.


I’ll be attending GeekGirl Con! If you plan to go, probably you should nab tickets soon, prices go up as the event draws near.

I’ll be attending Steamcon III, and will have art up in the show!


Back from the Marian Call concert! It was an awesome, and extended show (I assume this is because it was being recorded). 3rd time I have had the good fortune to catch her live, and WHEEEEEE!

I was able to give copies of fan art to her AND The Doubleclicks after the show. I think I like this thing of bringing gifts for awesome performers!

I feel like there should be more to say, but I am so sleepy! Another time, perhaps.


Mt. St. Helens

Mt. St. Helens! Generally I’m always on the wrong side of the plane, so it has been hard to see it.


We touched down right about sunset.


View from The Stratosphere. I do love viewing places from way up high!

If you were curious as to how I fared during the trip… well, I spent the last day in a wheelchair. I paced myself, got rides when I could, applied first aid and maintenance and medicated appropriately, yet still I got to a point where spasms brought me down (which means my right side balled up and my right leg stopped working) – thankfully I’d planned enough that I wasn’t far from a seat, I can only hop so far. It’s a little sad when old ladies in walkers can move faster and more reliably than you can. This is oddly better than the last trip a few years ago, when I ended up just flopping down and crying because I didn’t know what was happening or what to do about it. I’m trying not to let the disability stop me from having a life, but it sure can be a challenge.


Best part of the trip? Phantom of the Opera!

Phantom of the Opera

(Some years ago, this is what I drew after seeing the movie.)

We were in the center of the 3rd row for Phantom of the Opera. SPOILERS AHOY! If you haven’t ever seen it, or the movie, and don’t want to be spoiled, skip to the next paragraph! When you go sit down, the first thing you notice is that everything it covered in tarps, and looks like an out-of-commission opera house. At the end of the Prologue, it “flashes back” starting with 4(?) chandeliers that crash down to the audience, and then sort of dance overhead, pulling up to the center (for the Phantom to fall out of later!!), and all the tarps get yanked off, revealing a rich and gorgeous theater, and all the little box seats going up the sides… hooked up with Madame Tussauds, perhaps? The costumes, the layering of the sets and details, jeeze Louise! The alternate Christine, Kristen Hertzenberg, was frickin’ spectacular, the only time she seemed at all off was when she was completely engrossed in her acting, making real tears and such – I can’t sing with a lump in my throat, either (and even without a lump I’m still all frog)! It was pretty powerful, though, to see that passion spilling out. The Phantom, Anthony Crivello… sweet bee’s knees!! He has a sort of vocal arrangement that makes him distinct, and what it did was give him a depth of character, aging him a bit, giving him greater range and nuance… just… BOY OH BOY. And let me tell you how Andrew Ragone could kick the behind of any sparkly, spooky, romantic lead (If Sean Maher were musically inclined, there could be similarity there.). The scene with the boat in the sewers? Because of our seats, it was like we were submerged in the fog and the boat was coming at us. That’s one of the things about the staging and the theater, you really felt like you were inside the show somehow. So amazing. Not many dry eyes at the ending. I’ve always had a bit of trouble with the excessive back and forth at this point, but this Phantom really makes you feel it, even if at the very last that dude was probably slightly overacting from exhaustion – I was out of breath just trying to keep an eye on him!

Days later, I’m still saying “Let’s go see Phantom again!” I finally have an answer to the question “What would you do if you won the lotto?” The typical answer is bills, medical stuff, safe, decent house… but after that? 2 weeks of this show front and center. Especially for this Phantom and this Christine. I am so sad that there is no soundtrack with these two (and really, everyone was amazing!), and all I can find is a sort of iffy morning show demo song from the show. This Phantom is so, so enchanting, his ability to go from the most delicate, trepidatious whispering to absolutely brutal, booming energy. I feel like I’m totally spoiled by the Creative Common License that the w00tstock crowd has, allowing me to re-watch shows I went to so I can remember every little detail, and keep up with shows I cannot get to. I wish Broadway and Vegas, etc. shows would let you buy the evening’s recording the next day or something- really, how likely is it to be able to go back and see it many times right away so you won’t miss seeing your favorite cast?


Anyway, in conclusion: OMG GO SEE PHANTOM IN VEGAS. It will give you the will to live!! :)
